This video course will show you how to be an ally to anyone whose background has exposed them to unfair or discriminatory social, legal, or professional practices. You’ll learn the difference between saying you’re an ally and acting like one (hint: actions speak louder than words!), and you’ll also learn how big a deal listening to others really is. Allyship is not a complicated concept, but it may require you to do things you never done (or even thought about doing) before. And when you learn how to do it correctly, you’ll quickly see how beneficial it is, not only to the people you’re championing but to yourself as well. Enjoy!
Learning Objectives:
Strategies to become an effective ally
What Is Included In This Course?
- 1 video with knowledge check questions - Final quiz - Closed captions (English and Spanish) - Video transcripts - Certificate available upon completion
Video Titles:
- Allyship: How To Be An Ally To Others
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