Building a Lasting Culture of Safety

We all want to be safe. Nobody ever plans to spend part of their working day being taken to the emergency room – except doctors, of course, but even they don’t want to be taken there in an ambulance. And yet it’s easy to get complacent and assume that nothing will ever go wrong. It’s also easy to slip into unsafe working practices when the others around us are doing the same.

That’s why we developed the video-based Building a Lasting Culture of Safety training course. It’s designed to help you explain the importance of safety not only for your employees but also for the people they work with and the families and friends they go home to every night. Preparing for problems and behaving as though something could go wrong doesn’t mean you’re more likely to make a mistake, but it does mean you’ll be less likely to get injured if the worst does happen.

It also doesn’t mean that this training is boring. Creating a safe working environment may not be a laughing matter, but that doesn’t mean you can’t laugh while we talk about it. So we’ve loaded each lesson with plenty of hilarity to help keep you awake. We don’t want you to die any more than you do, and we’d hardly be doing our jobs right if you accidentally died from boredom.

Learning Objectives:

  • How to educate colleagues and employees on the importance of safety, and the long-term consequences of an accident or injury
  • How to consistently (and effectively) communicate safety information to your team
  • Where and how to use safety signs, tags, tape, and other notifications
  • How to recognize potential hazards
  • The importance of emergency planning, and how to do it effectively
  • Various strategies for conducting good emergency and evacuation drills
  • What to do in the event of an accident
  • How to handle employees who refuse to operate in a safe manner
  • How to handle drug and/or alcohol abuse in the workplace
Video Trailer

What Is Included In This Course? 

- 10 videos with knowledge check questions
- Final quiz
- Closed captions (English and Spanish)
- Video transcripts
- Certificate available upon completion

Video Titles:

- Communicating the Importance of Safety
- Communicating Safety Issues to Others
- Effective Use of Safety Signage
- Hazard Recognition
- Emergency Planning Basics
- Designing an Effective Emergency Action Drill
- Conducting an Evacuation
- Proper Accident Investigation Techniques
- Dealing with Employees Who Refuse To Work Safely
- Dealing with Drug & Alcohol Abuse

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