Conducting Exceptional Interviews

Hiring the right people might be the single most important factor in determining the future success of your company. Great employees can take you and your organization to the next level, while poor ones can easily bring your forward progress to a screeching halt. Conducting Exceptional Interviews will provide you with a simple yet comprehensive approach to help ensure that your next hires are the right ones for you – and don’t worry, each lesson is just as entertaining as it is educational. So whether you’re about to sit on the other side of the desk for your first interview or are a seasoned professional, Conducting Exceptional Interviews will give you serious solutions in a seriously funny way.

Learning Objectives:

  • The kinds of questions you should ask (and avoid)
  • What to listen for in a candidate’s answer
  • How to take high-quality notes through the interview
  • How to effectively rate different candidates according to your particular needs

What Is Included In This Course? 

- 7 videos with knowledge check questions
- Final quiz
- Closed captions (English and Spanish)
- Video transcripts
- Certificate available upon completion

Video Titles:

- Effective Preparation
- How to Ask the Right Questions
- Questions to Avoid (And What Questions You Should Ask Instead)
- Listen More Than You Talk!
- What You Should Be Listening For
- Taking Effective Notes
- How to Rate Candidates

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