Contact Center Excellence - Speaking the Language

Modern contact centers can be overwhelming for the uninitiated. Handling dozens (or thousands, or millions) of calls, emails, and chats is challenging enough all by itself. Then on top of that you’ll be bombarded with terms like “service level” and “handle time” and conversations about how to balance occupancy correctly to avoid burnout and how to reduce your ASA without compromising service quality and how to cope with shrinkage and maintain adherence and what does all this stuff mean anyway?????

That’s where Speaking the Language comes in. Designed for everyone from entry-level employees to rising stars and new managers, this video-based training series will help you understand all the most important concepts and metrics necessary to ensure that your experience in the contact center universe is as smooth and enjoyable as possible.  Speaking the Language will make sure you know how to think and act like a true contact center professional.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understanding the primary function of a contact center (hint: it’s more than just answering phones and emails!)
  • Recognizing the key players in any successful contact center
  • Identifying the most important metrics that govern the success (or failure) of most contact centers and how they relate to each other
  • Discussing workforce management principles to ensure exemplary service
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What Is Included In This Course? 

- 6 videos with knowledge check questions
- Final quiz
- Closed captions (English and Spanish)
- Video transcripts
- Certificate available upon completion

Video Titles:

- What Is a Contact Center?
- Anatomy of a Contact Center
- Key Metrics – Service Level & Handle Time
- Key Metrics – Answer Rate, Abandonment, Response Time & Occupancy
- Workforce Management Principles
- Putting It All Together

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