Effective Use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
There are a lot of parts to your body, and we’re willing to bet that you’re attached to pretty much all of them. Which means you probably don’t want any of them to get squished, crushed, broken, or misplaced. Stubbing your toe hurts plenty, and that’s about the limit of what we’d like you to experience.
That’s why we created Effective Use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), a fun (yes, fun) training course designed to show you how to protect all your favorite parts. Not interested in digging splinters out of your eyeballs? We can help make sure you never have to. Prefer your brains to stay inside your head? We’ve got that one taken care of, too.
Now as you can tell from this course description, Effective Use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is not your typical safety training. The title may be boring, but the lessons aren’t. So kick back, find some popcorn, and get ready to enjoy learning how to keep yourself safe!
The basics of hand protection, along with pairing the right PPE for your specific task
How to properly protect your knees while kneeling or working in irregular environments
How to avoid back injury, and the importance of wearing prescribed back braces
Eye protection, and what to do if your visual PPE impairs your ability to work
How to recognize an unsafe auditory environment, and finding appropriate hearing protection to mitigate long-term hearing damage
The importance of proper breathing protection. Surgical masks don’t usually cut it, folks!
The basics of proper head protection