Email Essentials
If your job in any way involves a computer, then email is a constant part of your life. Maybe it’s a fun part, or maybe it drives you insane on a regular basis. Either way, you’re stuck with it, so you may as well learn how to use it as effectively as possible.
That’s where Email Essentials comes in. The short, targeted videos in this training course cover everything from how to write an effective subject line to how to send attachments that won’t invite the attention of cybercriminals. And because all that sounds a bit dull, we also threw in some techno music and dance montages and maybe an extraterrestrial or two. This is definitely not your average training course, because nothing we do ever is.
So get ready to really, truly enjoy Email Essentials. Another course from The Jeff Havens Company, where we provide serious solutions in a seriously funny way.
How to write an effective subject line that will get the right kind of attention
Understanding the differences between a professional style and tone and a more casual approach
When to respond to emails, and how to ensure that don’t end up constantly drowning in “email jail”
How to name, attach, and send attachments that won’t make anyone think you’re trying to hack into their computer
Formatting your emails so that they look like they came from a professional and not a bored toddler