There’s no shortage of leadership education available today, which means we should all theoretically be amazing leaders. Yet survey after survey shows that most of us are disengaged at work, which means there must be something missing. Employee Engagement Essentials has been designed to supply that missing piece, approaching leadership in a new way that will make creating an engaged workforce easier than ever before. And it will do so with far more humor and entertainment than your typical training course. So if you want to learn how to become a better leader, create a more productive workforce, and laugh the whole way through, then you’ve come to the right place.
Learning Objectives:
The top 6 motivators for engaged employees, and how to provide each one of them to your people
The two leadership styles you need to be practicing each and every day
Three sentences that will virtually guarantee an engaged workforce
What Is Included In This Course?
- 9 videos with knowledge check questions - Final quiz - Closed captions (English and Spanish) - Video transcripts - Certificate available upon completion
Video Titles:
- The Top Six Motivators of Engaged Employees
- Improving Employee Attitudes About the Work They Do
- Building Strong Relationships With Colleagues
- Allowing People To Use Their Skills
- Creating Strong Manager-Employee Relationships
- Showing Your Employees How They Matter
- Learning How to Get Out Of Your Employees’ Way
- The Twin Pillars of Effective Leadership
- The Three Sentences That Will Lead To Higher Employee Engagement
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