Good hygiene has always been associated with better health, so keeping clean should always be a priority. But in the wake of a global pandemic, it’s never been more important. This short (and hilarious) training series will help ensure that you and your workplace are as well-positioned as possible to stop the spread of germs and keep everyone comfortable and safe. And if you think that a training series on how to be clean sounds a little uninspiring – well, then you haven’t seen how we decided to tackle it.
Learning Objectives:
Various strategies for avoiding the spread of germs and disease in the workplace
Proper hand hygiene techniques
Highlighting the importance of cleanliness as it relates to overall workplace health
What Is Included In This Course?
- 2 video with knowledge check questions - Final quiz - Closed captions (English and Spanish) - Video transcripts - Certificate available upon completion
Video Titles:
- Controlling the Spread of Germs
- Handwashing and Cleaning Protocols
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