If you’ve received any customer experience training, it most likely involved talking about how important it is to make your customers feel special (which you already knew) or included stories of businesses who have loyal customers (which you’ve already heard). So we decided to do things a little differently. Perfecting the Customer Experience concentrates on the human behaviors that have brought the customer experience to where it is today, then synthesizes those behaviors into four simple truths that provide a clear vision for how to move forward. Perfecting the Customer Experience will answer why customers behave the way they do and how you can meet their needs – not only today, but into the foreseeable future as well - and so will provide you with a comprehensive, straightforward explanation for how to win the hearts and minds of the people who keep you in business.
Learning Objectives:
How the drive for convenience has changed in the past 30 years, and what that means for how you design and sell new products and services
The effect of constant connection on customer behavior, and how smart businesses have learned to think smaller in order to grow
How most businesses vastly underestimate the importance of marketing their products, services, and ideas, along with two essential types of marketing every business should engage in
How the universal desire for meaning can inform your interactions with customers and drive greater sales
What Is Included In This Course?
- 6 videos with knowledge check questions - Final quiz - Closed captions (English and Spanish) - Video transcripts - Certificate available upon completion
Video Titles:
- What Is the Customer Experience?
- The Importance of Convenience
- Think Small To Win Big
- The Two Essential Ways to Market to Your Customers
- Providing Meaning To Your Customers
- The Four Parts of the Perfect Customer Experience
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