Providing Constructive Feedback

Figuring out how to help someone improve on the way they’re doing things – or learn from a mistake – is a delicate task. Sure, you could show them some tough love and just say, “Everything you’re doing is wrong, you should try doing it better instead!” But amazingly, that approach doesn’t work very well.

Thankfully, Providing Constructive Feedback will provide you with an approach that does. Our video-based training series covers basically everything – how to offer feedback in a way that people will actually listen to, what kinds of things to focus on, and how to incorporate everyone into the process of finding solutions for whatever problems you’re trying to correct.

Learning Objectives:

  • How to strike a balance between positive reinforcement and constructive feedback
  • Focusing on the conditions that need to be corrected, instead of focusing on the person receiving the feedback
  • Strategies for including the recipient of constructive criticism in the problem-solving process
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What Is Included In This Course? 

- 3 videos with knowledge check questions
- Final quiz
- Closed captions (English and Spanish)
- Video transcripts
- Certificate available upon completion

Video Titles:

- What Does “Good” Feedback Look Like?
- How (And When) To Provide Feedback
- Moving From Problem To Solution

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