Sexual Harassment Prevention for Supervisors

So, you are a supervisor. That comes with a lot of perks and responsibilities, one of which may be your legal requirement to receive 2 hours of sexual harassment training every year. Now it’s very possible you are dreading this and think it’s going to bore you into a coma. But you are in luck. Because we don’t think it’s all that useful to create training courses that people actively try to tune out, which is why our Sexual Harassment Prevention for Supervisors is designed to provide you with a robust education and enough entertainment to make you actually want to keep paying attention.

Let’s be perfectly clear – sexual harassment is no joke. Every year thousands of people experience it, and every year hundreds of companies pay millions of dollars in fines and legal fees because of it. You surely want no part of any of that. That’s why we've produced this course in consultation with numerous lawyers and Human Resources executives to ensure its accuracy. By the end of this training, you can be confident that you'll know how to prevent harassment from happening, and what actions to take if it ever does happen on your watch.
But that doesn’t mean you can’t also have a good time while you're learning. So get ready for Sexual Harassment Prevention for Supervisors. Another training course from The Jeff Havens Company, where we provide serious solutions in a seriously funny way.

Learning Objectives:

  • Familiarize yourself with the various legal protections afforded to victims of sexual harassment in the workplace
  • Recognize the signs of potential harassment
  • Learn how to respond to a sexual harassment claim, as well as how not to respond
  • Develop simple strategies to prevent harassment from occurring in your workplace
  • Analyze various case studies to determine appropriate responses in different real-life situations
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What Is Included In This Course? 

- 12 videos with knowledge check questions
- Final quiz
- Closed captions (English and Spanish)
- Video transcripts
- Certificate available upon completion

Video Titles:

- Legal Framework
- The Main Types of Sexual Harassment
- Who Can Be the Cause (or Victim) of Sexual Harassment
- Recognizing the Signs of Potential Harassment
- Sexual Harassment That Might Not “Look” Like Sexual Harassment
- Understanding and Addressing Power Dynamics
- What To Do If You’ve Experienced Sexual Harassment
- What To Do If You’ve Witnessed Sexual Harassment
- Reporting and Response Procedures
- How to Avoid and Prevent Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
- Prevention and Mitigation StrategiesCase Studies

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