Leadership is a skill – and like any other skill, you’ll get worse if you don’t practice. (That also explains why your 3-point shot is probably pretty bad). Fortunately, our Superior Leadership training course will give you the reinforcement necessary to become an even better leader than you already are.
But every leadership training would say the same. However, can all of them promise you'll laugh as much as you'll learn? Not likely. The truth is, you’re going to like this more than any leadership training you’ve ever experienced, because we don't feel like making boring training any more than you want to endure it.
Learning Objectives:
Appreciate the effect that small changes in behavior can have on your employees specifically and your corporate culture in general
Develop a healthy approach to innovation that doesn’t discount the importance of existing business practices
Analyze various effective communication techniques to inspire and motivate your team
What Is Included In This Course?
- 8 videos with knowledge check questions - Final quiz - Closed captions (English and Spanish) - Video transcripts - Certificate available upon completion
Video Titles:
- The Little Things ARE the Big Things
- Training Beats Equipment
- Why You Should Encourage Failure
- Knowing When to Quit
- Don’t Abuse Your Authority!
- The Power and Problem of Body Language
- Micromanagement!
- The Importance of Trust
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50% = you have completed all of the course modules and final quiz, but have not requested a completion certificate
100% = you have completed all course modules and successfully received your completion certificate. You must request the completion certificate for the course to be marked 100% complete.
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