Time Management

It’s a sad fact of life that we occasionally have to do things. Even worse, sometimes it’s hard to figure out how to do all the things we need to do. There are even people who struggle to fit ‘eating lunch’ and ‘going to the bathroom’ into their typical working day. That’s not right, folks. That’s not right.

Fortunately, though, our Time Management course will provide you with the tips, tricks, and strategies to organize your life as efficiently and productively as possible. From goal alignment to task batching to delegating responsibilities and eliminating counterproductive distractions, Time Management is designed for anyone who’s ever felt like they have to somehow figure out how to do more with less. So in other words, it’s basically for everyone.

And it’s hilarious. Time management might not be particularly fun or funny, but learning how to do it sure is. We’ve worked hard to create a training series that will simultaneously provide an invaluable education while allowing you to enjoy your life. Crossing two things off your list all at once – how’s that for efficient?

Learning Objectives:

  • Developing an intelligent, reasonable, and achievable approach to goal-setting
  • Prioritizing your work in ways that maximize productivity and minimize wasted or inefficient effort
  • Understanding the various distinctions between (and requirements of) long-term and short-term time management strategies
  • Recognizing the critical role that delegation plays in effective time management 
  • Learning how to “waste time” in the most intelligent and productive way possible
Video Trailer

What Is Included In This Course? 

- 5 videos with knowledge check questions
- Final quiz
- Closed captions (English and Spanish)
- Video transcripts
- Certificate available upon completion

Video Titles:

- Intelligent Goal Setting
- Techniques for Short-Term Goals
- Techniques for Long-Term Goals
- The Importance of Delegation
- Wasting Time Intelligently

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